never . stop . being . you . #beeyou

Monday 18 January 2016

Happy New Year.. 2016, Here We Go!

Hello everyone and a Happy New Year to you all,

I hope you have all had a lovely festive period and are raring to go for 2016! Its been ages since my last blog post, terribly sorry and thanks everyone who kept checking in, but I am going to try my very best to keep them up in 2016. I was wondering what to post for this one as its my first one this year and thought what better way to start than resolutions, after all once they are on the internet there is no going back! I usually see people say things like “New Year, New Me” but we are all pretty perfect versions of what we are so I decided my ones will be things I want to improve on or achieve that will keep me happy. Some are the standard that every girl/woman/female (and some cases male’s) aim for but here goes;

1. Pass my driving test
- Top of the list as I have been taking lessons for almost 2 years and am desperate to pass and get that freedom! 

2. Get fit and stay fit
- This is one that I say every single year and never do anything about so I’m not making any promises to myself but I sure am gonna try. (Chris wants to also so we can motivate each other together)

3. Be positive
- My whole blog is about being happy and loving yourself and recently I found I have been really struggling with at the moment so lets get that fixed

4. Read more
- A really simple one but something I think everyone should try and do more of, reading can be so enjoyable if you find the right book so I have started with - you guessed it - Harry Potter!

5. Save money
- Chris and I might be looking at getting a house in the near (but not too near) future so best get saving cause I’m getting close to coming home with a puppy! (Also for that car I'll be getting once I pass my test)

That’s my 5 resolutions for 2016. Simple and straight forward so lets hope I get there.

Hope to be back soon, feel free to shout at me on twitter (@bee_eilidh) if I’m not!

Love you guys, 

Keep smiling.. 



  1. I'm a fan of setting manageable goals over these super, major changes that will never happen so good job on your list! Hope you manage to accomplish everything on it and 2016 is a great year for you.


  2. Thanks Tazhiana, yeah you feel more positive achieving goals so best make them manageable and you will be able to do more! I'll keep you up to date no doubt as I go through them!
