never . stop . being . you . #beeyou

Monday 25 January 2016

Inspiration for the week.. Believe in yourself

Hey guys, 

I decided to start each week with an inspirational quote (usually ones I find on pintrest) blog. I was thinking of what I could do for a Monday blog, starting the week on a positive note I have found can totally change how the rest of the week goes so this weeks and the first quote I'm using is;

This quote I found sums up everything I want to show in this blog. I was and still am someone who really struggles to see the positive in myself. Seeing it in other people is easy as pie but the moment I have to believe in myself I am Miss Negativity. Have any of you ever had a compliment and they argued with the person and what they said not believing it can be true about you? If so then you are not alone. I meet so many people who struggle to take a compliment and half the time thats because they don't believe something positive can be said about them. You can say the nicest things over and over again until you are blue in the face but it can just not go through to them. Thats where I think this quote is such an important lesson. Its about believing in yourself. We are our worst enemies at time. The devil’s advocate as to why we cant do something. Why wouldn't we? Its easier to be the negative one, not get hopes up, then be pleasantly surprised when something good happens. I have first had experience as to how that can be the quickest way to self destruction. 

So, I have decided this is this weeks lesson (if any). I have recently applied for a new job within my work and I am going to believe in myself and have confidence that I can do this. If we let people tell us we cant do something or worse if we tell ourselves we can’t do something we will be knocked down at every hurdle. Lets all try and pick ourselves up and drown out the world and its negativity and believe in ourselves! We will be unstoppable. 

Thats all for today, have a fabulous week and let me know if your views on todays inspirational blog post.

Speak soon!

Keep smiling..


Friday 22 January 2016

The First Page.. Blogs about Books!

Welcome to my blog post about my reading habits,

I’m not a great reader, never have been. I have an older sister, Izzy, who is a massive book fan. Anytime we were on holiday she would have her nose stuck into the book for pretty much the whole holiday. I am a very hyper child and usually got bored of reading and ran around madly finding different ways to fall and hurt myself or trying to get Izzy to play with me. It was great fun. 

However, now I am in the real world of adult life and worrying about bills, rent and food I have started to find comfort in the pages of these magical objects that entranced my sister so. If you guys have read my older blog posts you will now I am a huge Harry Potter fan, but, I am not all I seem. I have actually never read the Harry Potter books, only the films - horrible right?! So where better to start than the first page of JK Rowling’s world of wizards. 

I have made my way through the first two books and am away to start the third - Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. Exciting times. To anyone who hasn't read them or doesn't see what all the fuss is about, I employ you to give them a go. The way they are written makes you want to read more, and if you have seen the films there is so much more you learn about the characters and the way they develop. Now, I am no book critic - far from it actually - so the blogs on my reading will just be my own personal opinion on the books, where I am in them and how I find the whole experience. 

Chapter one of the Prisoner of Azkaban is complete - and so we continue..

What are some of you’re favourite books? Any recommendations you have would be awesome!

Hope you enjoyed this short post, check in next Friday for the update!

Keep smiling..


Wednesday 20 January 2016

Learning How To Get Fit.. Organisation, Gotta Start Somewhere


In my new year post I mentioned how I would like to get fit and stay fit, so as you may have guessed a lot of my blog posts will be around how I’m getting on with this. Here is post number one; its not going great.

January is a difficult time for me to get into a health routine, not only is it trying to get out of the habit of eating loads of delicious foods and finishing all the Christmas treats but it’s the month of mine, Chris’, my big and little sister’s birthdays! Its a busy old month after a busy old Christmas. Every birthday comes with its treats, meals out, presents, relaxing, and of course cake, cake and more cake! Now times that by the number of birthday’s there are then include the factor of different families celebrations for the different birthdays, it all adds up to a very very unhealthy January. 

I used to have the mentality of “ah well, I’ve broken it now lets just give up” but not anymore (hopefully!). I decided to give myself a break and realise that January will be a tough month but that doesn't mean I have to give up. Instead I push back when I start my resolutions and then I can enjoy all the celebrations. Now all the celebrations are over (sad times), I need to get serious with getting fit and hopefully losing weight. 

First thing I think will help on the road to getting fit is getting organised. Organisation is a huge part of getting fit, if you know what you are doing each day, when you're going to the gym, what time you are having dinner and what you have for dinner it gives you less chances of slipping out of it. I’m not the most organised person but I’ve recently bought a new diary and all the attachments like sticky notes and memo pads in the hope it’ll kick start my brain. 

Meal planning is what I’m gonna work on now. I’m a terrible snacker and if I don't have something planned for tea I will easily talk myself (and Chris) into having a take away or going out for tea. Sometimes when I’m working later, its normal to want a quick fix which usually means unhealthy micro meals or quick oven chips and pizza. With planning meals you cut out the opportunity to snack or have unhealthy food (in theory). This is week one of trying to organise meals, they might not all be super healthy but if I have something planned for each night, its a start and then I can learn how to plan healthier meals and then lunches etc. Gotta start somewhere right.

I will be keeping you all up to date as best I can on how I’m getting on and please share any tips you have or are working on to help.

Speak soon, 

Keep smiling..


Monday 18 January 2016

Happy New Year.. 2016, Here We Go!

Hello everyone and a Happy New Year to you all,

I hope you have all had a lovely festive period and are raring to go for 2016! Its been ages since my last blog post, terribly sorry and thanks everyone who kept checking in, but I am going to try my very best to keep them up in 2016. I was wondering what to post for this one as its my first one this year and thought what better way to start than resolutions, after all once they are on the internet there is no going back! I usually see people say things like “New Year, New Me” but we are all pretty perfect versions of what we are so I decided my ones will be things I want to improve on or achieve that will keep me happy. Some are the standard that every girl/woman/female (and some cases male’s) aim for but here goes;

1. Pass my driving test
- Top of the list as I have been taking lessons for almost 2 years and am desperate to pass and get that freedom! 

2. Get fit and stay fit
- This is one that I say every single year and never do anything about so I’m not making any promises to myself but I sure am gonna try. (Chris wants to also so we can motivate each other together)

3. Be positive
- My whole blog is about being happy and loving yourself and recently I found I have been really struggling with at the moment so lets get that fixed

4. Read more
- A really simple one but something I think everyone should try and do more of, reading can be so enjoyable if you find the right book so I have started with - you guessed it - Harry Potter!

5. Save money
- Chris and I might be looking at getting a house in the near (but not too near) future so best get saving cause I’m getting close to coming home with a puppy! (Also for that car I'll be getting once I pass my test)

That’s my 5 resolutions for 2016. Simple and straight forward so lets hope I get there.

Hope to be back soon, feel free to shout at me on twitter (@bee_eilidh) if I’m not!

Love you guys, 

Keep smiling.. 
