never . stop . being . you . #beeyou

Wednesday 21 October 2015


“Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times. If one only remembers to turn on the light..” - Albus Dumbledore 

As a Harry Potter fan, Dumbledore’s wise words of wisdom will always pop into my head when needed. This quote I found quite fitting for this post…

When you type “being happy” into the grand old  Google search, the top results are articles like;
- 10 Ways to be Happy
- 12 Ways to Keep a Happy Life
- 25 Things That Are Preventing You From Being    Happy

I was looking online and was fed up of seeing lists like this telling us how to be happy or trying to make us the reason as to why we aren't and what we could do to make it right. 

Happiness isn't something we can measure by crossing things off a list and expecting our lives to take some unexpected turn to happiness. One thing that comes up repeatedly when reading these or talking to people and asking how they can be happy are based around achievements. Goals such as earning more money, getting a bigger house, more respect at work, finding “The One”. Understandable goals and things to aim for in life and you can easily see why people will think these things can make them happy. When you flip it into worries of the day they usually revolve around these issues. Money, work, possessions and love. 

Now, I would be straight out lying if these weren't worries I had and goals I want to work towards. Who wouldn't want more money or having someone to share your life with - if you find someone send them my way to share their tips! Where I struggle with these is that people measure them against how happy they are. There is the phrase; “Money can’t buy you happiness” followed by; “Yeah but it can buy you a penguin. Have you ever seen a sad person who owns a penguin?”. Of course money can buy you things that will be a quick fix but in the long term - it wont necessarily make you happy. Happiness isn't something we should measure by the most money or the longest relationship or even the new promotion at work. Happiness is something that is inside us and that we have the controls over no matter what is going on around us. For example, today I have spent all day inside watching TV and wondering how I am going to cope until payday with less that £30 in the bank. Awful right? Wrong. I have spent the day in some jogger bottoms, a comfy hoodie, no bra watching chick flicks and the rugby with Chris. In my eyes, bliss! Yes I am worried about money and know I would have been doing something else had it been pay weekend but its not made me any less happy today. 

This post isn't to be a telling off to people and saying I do things better. All it I am trying to say is that we can make each and everyday end with a smile if we find and remember the reasons we smile at the little things. 

To end on another quote;

“I am in charge of how I feel today and today I am choosing happiness” - Unknown

Keep smiling..



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