never . stop . being . you . #beeyou

Saturday 24 October 2015

Decisions, decisions, decisions.

Heya guys!

Hope you’re all well and good. Its been a busy old week as it feels like it is every week. Work, work, work is my main thing at the moment. Blessing and a curse I guess. Takes my mind off things but then, it takes my mind off things. Joys.

So, in my last post I spoke about happiness. Something that we can control. Like I said, easier said than done - totally get that. This post is going to be on decisions and decision makings.

Ask anyone who knows me, I struggle so much with making decisions. Even if its something as simple as choosing something for dinner, I just feel like I can’t do it. Unfortunately, life decisions include but are not restricted to dinner plans.  Every so often, you will come to a moment where a big decision needs to be made. If you are anything like me, this thought it terrifying. 

I am currently at a stage in my life where a big decision has to be made. This isn't the first time a big decision has come along but as I’ve been growing up, the decisions seem to become more important so therefore harder to make. Decisions like picking what subject to take for standard grade seemed easy when it came to picking my highers. Deciding what to do when school finished seemed near impossible to do at the time. It sounds mad but I find it easy to go along with what people suggest than try and figure out whats best for me - something that I, so far, have managed to get by with doing. Not anymore. 

Letting my decisions be ultimately made by others has not been the way I should have lived my life and I would encourage any of you who are reading this and finding you and myself have something in common to push yourself to make more decisions each day that are entirely yours. I haven't made decisions based on what I want and what would make me happy. When I reflect back on my life and some of the decisions that were made, it is easy to see how I tried to make the people around me happy as oppose to myself. Due to this, I am now having to make a decision that has to be 100% for me or else things may go very wrong. 

This blog, not just this post but this entire blog, is based around encouraging others to be themselves. Time for me to take some of my own advice. How can I encourage others to be themselves if I’m not being me? Time for change. 

Family and friends are always around to help support and offer advice on decisions but make sure we are all taking the time to think about what is best for ourselves. Its easy to take advice, go with it then find somewhere to point the blame at if everything doesn't work out just right. I would be lying if I didn't admit that is probably why I take peoples opinions and roll with them. 

So, while I am making this decision, I am finding it easiest to post my thoughts and feelings on here. Gives me time to think about what I wanting to say and why I am wanting to say it. 

Hope you all have a great week,

Speak soon,

Keep smiling..



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