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Tuesday 1 September 2015

Study Smart - Tips and Tricks for Back to School/University

Welcome back my fellow Busy Bee's,

Today I decided to do a blog on going back to school and or university and the tips and tricks I’ve picked up over the years. 

Now, if you are as big a HP fan as I am, the 1st of September was always a sad day as yet again I was not standing on Platform 9 and 3/4, waiting for the Hogwarts Express to take me to the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. So to get rid of those end of summer and I'm not a witch blues I thought  these tips would help. 

TIP NUMBER 1 - Be Organised

The reason this is tip number 1 is that I ALWAYS worried about going back to school. From Primary 1 all the way up to 6th Year and the thing that helped me the most was being organised. Over the many many years of starting a new year at school one thing I loved was getting stationary. It made the whole going back to school nerves just a little bit better knowing I would then have the opportunity to show off my new school bag and pencil case with matching folders. There is no feeling to describe the feeling of starting a new notebook - for those fellow stationary lovers out there, you’ll know the feeling. Another thing to help with that first day is getting your clothes laid out and ready. In school it was easier cause we had a uniform and you roughly knew what you would be wearing each day - university was a slightly different morning routine. So before starting each new semester, I would go shopping for a new couple of new outfits (any excuse right) and lay out my favourite for my first day and so on and so forth. Again, more stuff to show off and get excited about with friends when you start that first day.

TIP NUMBER 2 - Plan Ahead

This would have to be one of my biggest tip for anyone starting back at school or uni. With a new year comes a fresh start to how we learn and prepare for the course layout ahead. Every year I would promise myself I would be more organised, to this day I wish I got better at it. The amount of times I spent franticly trying to finish an essay, starting my day in the library at 8am and not leaving till well after midnight and doing it all again the next day. It is not a good way to work and I would desperately urge any (if not all) of you reading this to plan ahead for any assignments or essays you have to do, even if it is just reading that one chapter of the book or looking up a couple of articles for the essay - it will help you so much when it comes to the dreaded submission date. We all get timetables, make sure you do the work for the class before you arrive, it’ll make the lesson/lecture a lot easier and if the teacher ask’s you to answer a question then you’ll have some idea what they are chatting about..

TIP NUMBER 3 - Friends, Fun & Being Yourself

My final tip for getting back into studying is the best. Make friends and have fun! Sounds corny but its totally true. Although we are there to study and learn, part of that is making those friends you’re gonna have for life. All throughout school I struggled to make friends and just in my final years I made friends that I know are gonna be there for a very very long time. And the same goes for university. I’m not saying their wont be tears and tough times but they will become a distant memory and situations you can look back and laugh at, it may take time but you can and will make some of the happiest memories of your life while studying. Hopefully there won’t be a crazy dark lord to ruin the school and want to kill everyone in the last year (had to throw a HP reference in - its the 1st of September) but there will be situations similar I can bet you. All of these heartbreaks, temper tantrums, late night stressing and drunken heart to hearts with the random girl you met in the bathroom toilets (university students will understand) will lead you closer and closer to discovering who you are and what you are meant to do. When we are at school and even university, we are still so young with so much to learn. Change your mind, then change it back then take time out and work to save for a gap year - whatever it is, make sure you are smiling when you look back. It will not be smooth sailing but hopefully with these 3 tips and tricks, you’ll get there.

Monsters University, Pixar

Good luck and have fun..

Keep smiling..



1 comment:

  1. Love the cheeky Mike, monsters inc is the best :) you're making me want to go back to education haha!
